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EDIA is committed in challenging project of food insecurity in Madagascar



Introduction of wild species of edible plants into the diets of populations suffering from malnutrition

The main objective of this project is to contribute to the valorisation of wild edible plants found in Madagascar. In a country where the staple food is rice, our project of valorisation aims to support a diversification of food products as this country great potential to improve its nutritional security.

Our mission can be divided into 2 phases:


The first phase is dedicated to bibliographic studies and the construction of the methodology that will later be used fiel work that will stretch over 2 months, from June to July. This period of fiel work will consist in the socio-anthropologic and nutritional study of the wildedible plants.

Calendrier prévisionnel

Project progress

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Step n°1

Gathering an inventory of the main species of wild edible plants (uncultived plants, insects, spiders and mashrooms) within an area characterised by a strong food insecurity.

Data is collected through suveys of local populations that are concerned. The surveys will touch on tradictions, customs, period ans places of harvest, public opinion on the morality of consumption or sales ans the frequency of consumption of these plant species. This data will indicate the importance of these plant species in the veryday life of locals.



Step n°2

Selecting wild species of edible plants presenting the potential to enable an improvement of the food security of the local population.



Step n°3

Characterising the nutritional contecnt of the selected plant species while identifying their possible anti-nutrient or toxic content.

This project allows not only a more clear vision of the dependance between Man and his environment but also the determination of other exploited ressources.

Our approach will be supported by two resarch professors: in food processing (Cristèle DELSART) and in Rural Socoilogy - human geography (Gerard LISCIA).

The chronology


Make a donation

The project needs you !

For carrying out our different actions on the fiel to act our very best against food insecurity in Madagascar, we need your donations.


Thanks to these fiels surveys of the local community, we working towards a diversification of their food customs.


By making a donation to our association, you bring a better impact of our project. 

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